The library has a catalogue of its books arranged in alphabetical order. 图书馆有分类藏书的目录按照字母顺序编排。
He thought it unfair that the Library's catalogue division charged hefty fees to provide this information, which, being the work of the government, had no copyright protection within the United States. 在他看来,这一信息作为美国政府的工作,在国内不受版权法的保护,因此该馆编目部门对此收取高额费用,实为不公。
Ancient farming books of Shaanxi occupy a brilliant place in the agricultural heritage of China. As many as 37 kinds of them, among which 28 kinds are extant, can be found in the library catalogue of ancient books. 陕西古农书在我国农业遗产宝库中占有光彩夺目的地位,见诸古籍目录者约37种,现存28种。
The library has a catalogue of its books, arranged in alphabetical order. 图书馆有一份藏书的目录,依字母次序编排。
Interlacing machine for working plaiting materials Spotting Trend of University Library's Editing Accomplishment& On Editing Outsourcing Transaction and Joint Catalogue 高校图书馆采编工作的实地走向&谈采编业务外包和联合编目
This paper argues that computer catalogue simplifies the process of recording work in library and improves catalogue efficiency and quality, but it causes some problems as well. 计算机编目简化了著录工作的程序,提高了编目效率和质量,同时存在许多问题。
On Effect of Cataloguing in Publication on Library Catalogue of; How medical library catalogers correctly treat CIP in Chinese books CIP对地方高校图书馆编目工作的作用医学图书馆编目人员如何正确看待在版编目
A library catalogue is a list of the books and other material housed in that library. 一个图书馆的目录就是该馆所收藏的图书和其它资料的一份清单。
Such a display demonstrates interrelationships between subjects more directly, and with greater impact, that can the library catalogue. 这种陈列,要比图书馆目录能更直接地展示出各主题之间的相互关系,而且效果更好。
At the same time, the digital resources construction in library, the traditional catalogue and are reader service confronted with challenge even to the extent that to be sifted out. 同时,图书馆的数字资源建设、传统编目工作和读者服务工作也面临挑战甚至被淘汰的威胁。
The Establishment of the Library Computer Catalogue System Book Number Data Base 图书馆计算机编目系统种次号数据库的建立
Puts forward that the main development direction of future library is the digital library. The future of library is the coexistence and complement age of the traditional library, automatic library and digital library. The metadata catalogue will be generally implemented in future library. 提出了数字图书馆是未来图书馆发展的主要方向,未来将是传统图书馆、自动化图书馆、数字图书馆共存互补的时代,元数据编目将在未来图书馆得到广泛实施。
STATISTICAL DATA Discussion on Digital Video Disk Library Catalogue DVD影像资料的编目探讨
This paper introduces the organization streamlining and management reform of the Cataloging Department in Peking University Library. Reasons and Countermeasures that Library Books are Put off in Catalogue Department 介绍了北京大学图书馆编目部机构调整与管理改革情况。高校图书馆编目部图书积压的原因及对策
On the Profession Quality of the Library Catalogue Personnel 试论21世纪图书馆编目人员的职业素质
China is the first one who applied book classification in library catalogue. 中国是世界上最早把分类理论应用于目录制作的国家。
New Way to Develop Library Catalogue in Internet Times Enlightenment from Lingnan University Amazon Mode 互联网时代馆藏目录建设新思路&岭南-亚马逊模式给我们的启示
On Library Catalogue Workers 'Care to the Reader 论图书馆编目工作者的读者关怀
On the Design of Library Catalogue Office 谈图书馆编目室的设计
Based on the actual conditions of our college library, this paper discusses how to purchase, catalogue and manage the CD attached to books. 根据我校图书馆的实际情况,对随书附盘的配套采购、规范著录和科学的收藏管理进行了探讨。
The Chinese Library Classification ( 4th edition) provides basis for the establishment of the library catalogue system and the organization of library in the new period. 《中图法》四版为新时期图书馆目录体系的建立和馆藏组织提供了依据。
The paper studies the change of the functions of the catalogue in the library, discusses the functions of the catalogue in the modern library, puts forward the advices of the catalogue construction in China. 本文通过对图书馆目录功能的演变的研究,探讨现代图书馆目录的功能,进而为当前我国图书馆目录建设提出建议。
The Automatic and Safe Registration Installation of Library Catalogue Search 馆藏目录检索工作站的自动安全登录设置
The work of library requires the library catalogue workers to take the readers in mind. 图书馆的工作性质决定了编目工作者的责任。
Star library and star catalogue of GJ-341 small remote-control optronic theodolite GJ-341小型遥控光电经纬仪星库星表
Reasons and Countermeasures that Library Books are Put off in Catalogue Department 高校图书馆编目部图书积压的原因及对策
This paper introduces the public online bibliographic polling system, network encyclopedia, academic database resources, virtual library, home-page catalogue, search engine, depth home page, forum and discussion group, and sums up some common methods and skills for obtaining the network academic information. 通过对公共联机书目查询系统、网络百科全书、学术数据库资源、虚拟图书馆、网页目录、搜索引擎、深度网页、论坛和讨论组的介绍,总结了一些常用获取网上学术信息的方法和技巧。
It is the needs of times that the library uses the computer network to be made a catalogue, and is the foundation realizing the document resource sharing. 图书馆利用计算机网络进行编目是时代的需要,是实现文献资源共享的基础。
On QUALITY CONTROL of Library Catalogue Data under Special Circumstances 非常态下图书馆编目数据质量控制问题初探